Sandra Chiclana

Sandra Chiclana, Ph.D. in Psychology (2020), is Head of Services in the General Secretary of Penitentiary Institutions, Spanish Ministry of the Interior, and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at UNED. Her research currently focuses on interpersonal violence, radicalisation, hate crimes and female inmates.

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González-Álvarez, J. L. Santos-Hermoso, J., Gómez, A., López-Novo, J. L., Buquerín, S., Pozuelo, F., Fernández, C. & Chiclana, S. (2022). A theoretical, empirical and methodologically based instrument to assess the risk of violent radicalization in prisons: The DRAVY-3. Terrorism and Political Violence. Download

Gómez, A., Chiclana, S., Chinchilla, J., Blanco, L., Alba, B., Bautista, H. & Pozuelo-Rubio, F. (2022). The mirage of the jihad. Disenchantment as the pathway to disengagement of female jihadists. A case study about radicalization in Spanish prisons. International Journal of Social Psychology. Download

Gómez, A., Atran, S., Chinchilla, J., Vázquez, A., López-Rodríguez, L., Paredes, B., Martínez, M., Blanco, L., Alba, B., Bautista, H., Fernández, S., Pozuelo-Rubio, F., González-Álvarez, J.L., Chiclana, S., Valladares-Narganes, H., Alonso, M., Ruíz-Alvarado, A., López-Novo, J.L., & Davis, R. (2022). Willingness to sacrifice among convicted Islamist terrorists versus violent gang members and other criminals. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-15. Download

Pérez-Ramirez, M., Chiclana, S., Méndez, R.C. & Suarez, A. (2022). Sociodemographic and psycho social Differences Between Hate Crime Offenders and Other Non-Bias-Motivated Criminals: Implications for Prison Rehabilitation Programs. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0(0). Download