Naroa Carrasco

Naroa Carrasco is a Research Assistant and a doctoral candidate with a degree in Psychology from Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology from Universidad de Granada. She has participated in research projects for the Ministry of the Interior, the Penitentiary Institutions and UNED with topics like: gender violence, violent radicalization, filicides and feminicides.

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Carrasco-Sánchez, N., Barón-Picazo, I., López-Ossorio, J.J., Muñoz-Vicente, J.M., & Díaz-Román, A. (2022). Características de los varones filicidas de menores de edad: una revisión sistemática. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 33, 41-48. Download


Carrasco, N., Barón, I., Pascual, S., Santos, J., González-Álvarez, J.L. (2021). Advance results of the national study on the review of femicides (III). Relational dynamics in cases of fatal and non-fatal gender violence. Empirical study on the relational dynamics of cases of non-fatal gender violence and femicides in Spain. (Inter)National Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology. Virtual Campus of the University of Vigo.

Barón, I., Carrasco, N., Santos, J., López, J. J., & González, J. L. (2021). Filicide in Spain. Situation and limitations for its study. Behavior & Law Journal, 7(1), 13-22. Download