Irene Barón

Irene Barón is a Research Assistant and a doctoral candidate with a degree in Psychology from Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology. She has participated in research projects for the UNED, the Ministry of the Interior and Penitentiary Institutions with topics such as gender violence, feminicides, violent radicalization and filicides.

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Carrasco-Sánchez, N., Barón-Picazo, I., López-Ossorio, J.J., Muñoz-Vicente, J.M., & Díaz-Román, A. (2022). Características de los varones filicidas de menores de edad: una revisión sistemática. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 33, 41-48. Download


Barón, I., Carrasco, N., Santos, J., López, J. J., & González, J. L. (2021). Filicide in Spain. Situation and limitations for its study. Behavior & Law Journal, 7(1), 13-22. Download

Carrasco, N., Barón, I., Pascual, S., Santos, J., González-Álvarez, J.L. (2021). Advance results of the national study on the review of femicides (III). Relational dynamics in cases of fatal and non-fatal gender violence. Empirical study on the relational dynamics of cases of non-fatal gender violence and femicides in Spain. (Inter)National Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology. Virtual Campus of the University of Vigo.