Ángel Gómez

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Carrillo, B., Gómez-Gil, E., Rametti, G., Junque, C., Gómez, Á., Karadi, K., Segovia, S. & Guillamón, A. (2010). Cortical activation during mental rotation in male-to-female and female-to-male transsexuals under hormonal treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(8), 1213-1222. Download

Swann, W. B. Jr., Gómez, Á., Dovidio, J. F. Hart. S. & Jetten, J. (2010). Dying and Killing for One’s Group: Identity Fusion Moderates Responses to Intergroup Versions of the Trolley Problem. Psychological Science, 21, 1176-1183. Download

Swann, W.B. Jr., Gómez, Á., Huici, C., Morales, F. & Hixon, J. G. (2010). Identity fusion and self-sacrifice: Arousal as catalyst of pro-group fighting, dying and helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 824-841. Download