Alexandra Vázquez

Alexandra Vázquez is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at UNED (Spain). She received her Ph.D. in 2012 from UNED and undergraduate degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Her research interests are focused on intergroup and intragroup relations, identity fusion and collective action.

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Gómez, A., Vázquez, A., López-Rodríguez, L., Talaifar, S., Martínez, M., Buhrmester, M. D. & Swann, W. B. Jr. (2019). Why people abandon groups: Degrading relational vs. collective ties uniquely impacts identity fusion and identification. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85. Download


Vázquez, A., Gómez, A., & Swann, W. B. (2018). You just don’t get us! Positive, but non-verifying, evaluations foster prejudice and discrimination. Social Psychology 49(4), 231-242. Download

Vázquez & Paredes (2018). Actitudes y Persuasión. In A. Vázquez, & A. Gómez, (Eds.), Psicología Social. Madrid: Editorial Sanz y Torres. ISBN: 978-84- 16466-41-2

Chinchilla, J., López-Sáez, M., & Vázquez, A. (2018). How do others influence our attitudes? Analysis of the primus inter pares effect and mediating variables associated with this process. Revista de Psicología Social/International Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 424-457. Download

Bortolini, T., Newson, M., Natividade, J.C., Vázquez, A., & Gómez, A. (2018). Identity fusion predicts endorsement of pro-group behaviours targeting nationality, religion, or football in Brazilian samples. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(2), 346-366. Download

Gómez, Á., Tropp, L., Vázquez, A., Voci, A. & Hewstone, M. (2018). Depersonalized extended contact and injunctive norms about cross-group friendship impact intergroup orientation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 356-370. Download

Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F., Adams, B. G., Adams, R. B., Alper Jr., S., Aveyard, M., Axt, J. R., Babalola, M. T., Bahník, S., Batra, R., Berkics, M., Bernstein, M. J., Berry, D. R., Bialobrzeska, O., Binan, E. D., Bocian, K., Brandt, M. J., Busching, R.,… Nosek, B. A. (2018). Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Samples and Settings. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 443-490. Download


Vázquez, A., Gómez, A., & Swann, W. B. Jr. (2017). Do historic threats to the group diminish identity fusion and its correlates? Self and Identity, 16(4), 480-503. Download

Gómez, A., Vázquez, A. (2017). El Grupo de Trabajo Eficaz. Trabajo en Equipo. pp.407 - 439. UNED.

Gómez, A., López-Rodríguez, L., Sheikh, H., Ginges, J., Wilson, L., Waziri, H., Vázquez, A., Davis, R., & Atran, S. (2017). The devoted actor's will to fight and the spiritual dimension of human conflict. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 673-679. Download

Tornero, E., Sánchez-Romera, J. F., Morosoli, J. J., Vázquez, A., Gómez, A., & Ordoñana, J. R. (2017). Altruistic behavior among twins. Willingness to fight and self-sacrifice for their closest relatives. Human Nature, 29, 1-12. Download


Gómez, Á., Vázquez, A., López-Rodríguez, L., Paredes, B., Martínez, M. (2016). Morir y matar por un grupo o unos valores. Estrategias para evitar, reducir y/o erradicar el comportamiento grupal extremista. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica. 26(1), 122-129. Download


Vázquez, A., Gómez, Á., Ordoñana, J. R. & Paredes, B. (2015). From interpersonal to extended fusion: relationships between fusion with siblings and fusion with the country. International Journal of Social Psychology, 30(3), 512-530. 10.1080/02134748.2015.1093755 Download

Gómez, Á. & Vázquez, A. (2015). The power of “feeling one” with a group: Identity fusion and extreme pro-group behaviours. International Journal of Social Psychology, 30, 481-511. Download

Bastian, B., Bain, P., Buhrmester, M. D., Gómez, A., Vázquez, A., Knight, C. G., & Swann, W. B. Jr. (2015). Moral vitalism: Seeing good and evil as real, agentic forces. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 5, 1069–1081. Download

Eller, A., Gómez, A., Vázquez, A., & Fernández, S. (2015). Collateral damage for ingroup members having outgroup friends: Effects of normative versus counternormative interactions with an outgroup. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(4), 483-500. Download

Jiménez, J., Gómez, Á., Buhrmester, M. D., Vázquez, A., Whitehouse, H. & Swann, W. B. Jr. (2015). The dynamic identity fusion index (DIFI): A new continuous measure of identity fusion for Web-based questionnaires. Social Science Computer Review, 34(2). Download

Swann, W. B. Jr., Gómez, A., Vázquez, A., Guillamón, A., Segovia, S., & Carillo, B. (2015). Fusion with the cross-gender group predicts genital sex reassignment surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 1313-1318. Download


Swann, W. B. Jr., Gómez, A., Buhrmester, M. D., López-Rodríguez, L., Jiménez, J., & Vázquez, A. (2014). Contemplating the Ultimate Sacrifice: Identity Fusion Channels Pro-Group Affect, Cognition, and Moral Decision Making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 713-727. Download

Swann, W. B. Jr., Buhrmester, M. D., Gómez, A., Jetten, J., Bastian, B., Vázquez, A., Ariyanto, A., Besta, T., Christ, O., Cui, L., Finchilescu, G., González, R., Goto, N., Hornsey, M., Susianto, H., Sharma, S., & Zhang, A. (2014). What makes a group worth dying for? Identity fusion fosters perception of familial ties, promoting self-sacrifice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(6), 912-926. Download